Make Finger Puppets from Felt or Construction Paper This is a fun project to do with younger children making the paper/stick puppets. Hand stitched felt finger puppets are ideal for older kids to learn and practice the basics of hand sewing. We chose Woodland themed animals for this project. Instructions for how to make paper…
Author: admin

How To Make a Puppet Theatre from a Cereal Box
How to Make a Puppet Theatre from a Cereal Box This project is simple and fun to make but the real fun is in creating your own puppet show. We’ll make puppets to go with the theatre in a separate post. Here’s a link to making finger puppets: SUPPLIES Cardboard cereal box (we used…

Whimsical Beach Pebble Art
When you collect too many lovely beach finds and you can’t take them ALL home with you. Create some fun whimsical pebble art, photograph it and then put the pebbles back on the beach. Except for the super special vacation memento ones of course. The photographs themselves become treasured mementos, souvenirs from…

How to Make a Snowman from a Recycled Bottle
This is a quick and easy project that requires very few materials and makes creative use of recycled containers. The finished snowmen are super cute and such happy characters. How to Make the Snowman The first step is to search your blue box to find a plastic bottle. Ideally the ones with roundish silhouettes work…

How to Make Cardboard Tube Valentine’s Owls
This is a fun and simple project for Valentine’s that makes creative use of cardboard toilet paper rolls. These whimsical owls are super cute and each one is unique. Cardboard Tube Valentine’s Owls SUPPLIES: cardboard toilet paper rolls construction paper acrylic paint glue scissors pencil marker optional: googly eyes, glitter hearts from a craft store…

How to Make Simple Valentine’s Cards
Here’s a simple and easy project for Valentine’s Day cards. This activity is good for all ages and is especially handy for that last minute notice that your child needs to bring Valentine’s Cards for school. These can be created using only a few simple supplies like printer paper and construction paper with amazing results….